Thursday, January 22, 2015

5 Years, 1,825 Clicks

We happily celebrated our fifth year anniversary last December 26, 2014. We marked our 5th wedding anniversary by having a simple family lunch and by purchasing a new fridge!

On Christmas Eve we had a crisis, our 5-year old refrigerator stopped working. We just heard mass at the community club house and was surprised when we returned to our unit to see our fridge dead. Jay tried to revive it by having it cool down and checking if it was the voltage regulator that needed repair. Despite our prodding the fridge just died on us. :(

As with many dilemmas we faced in the last five years we assessed the situation and thought of our plan of action. It was Christmas Eve and our fridge was filled to the brim with Christmas food. We had a lot of perishable food so we decided to just bring it to my Mom's house. I woke up early on Christmas day to bake and cook some of the food and brought it to my in-laws. It was quite stressful, but we were conscious about keeping things happy since it was Christmas.

After assessing the situation we decided to invest on a new refrigerator since we just had a few days before our big family trip to Japan and couldn't find anyone who could repair the fridge at such a short time. I also always wanted to have a bigger fridge, so after a lot of research and getting advise from our parents we selected a fridge that would likely be with us for the next 20 years.

So that's how we have been in the last five years. We try to identify things that we need, want, must do, want to do (priorities and essentials) and work on a sensible plan of action. The last five years have been blissful despite some potholes on the road that we had to go through - losing my Dad, health issues, me moving to Singapore for work and other family matters. We've held on strong because of love, faith and respect and we've achieved a lot in the last 5 years -

- Home: renting 2 homes and then finally moving to a tiny place we now own (this was a target we had for our third year)
- Schooling: Miguel graduating from high school and he's now in university
- Family vacations: we try to slip in a few throughout the year
- Keeping healthy: getting by to ensure our quality of life is good
- Baby: no plans right now, we already have one big baby!

Keeping ones individual interests is very important as well, so we pretty much give each other space. I think though I've been pretty spoiled by the boys (lucky me!) since I'm not supposed to get stressed (hahaha). We do have our different opinions so I proposed to Sweetie if we should turn this blog into a "he said, she said" blog since there isn't that much new stuff we're experiencing (except for the new recipes I've been trying).

What do you think dear reader? Would you like to ask me and Jay about married life?

*Total Clicks = 2,625

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